Л И С Т

                  21.05.2003  N 11/2-14-7778-ЕП

                                      Начальникам регіональних
                                      Начальникам митниць

     Відповідно    до   листа   Держмитслужби    від    28.02.2000
N 21/3-638-ЕП  (  v-638342-00  )  направляємо перелік сертифікатів
переміщення EUR.1,  які видавалися естонськими митними органами на
рибопродукцію за період з 21 по 27 квітня 2003 року.

AB713628|23.04.03  |AS DAGOTAR         |canned fish                   |67900
AB713629|24.04.03  |AS DAGOTAR         |canned fish                   |66850
AB713630|24.04.03  |AS DAGOTAR         |canned fish                   |13615
AB713631|25.04.03  |AS DAGOTAR         |canned fish                   |67950
AB652859|21/04/2003|OЬSaareFishexport  |spice sprat                   |20600
AB652860|21/04/2003|OЬ Saare Fishexport|frozen sprat                  |19900
AB652862|22/04/2003|OЬ Saare Fishexport|spice sprat                   |19800
AB652830|23/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst|canned fish                   |67275
AB652832|24/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst|canned fish                   |37500
AB652831|24/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst|canned fish                   |67050
AB652866|25/04/2003|OЬ Saare Fishexport|frozen sprat                  |19900
AB652833|25/04/2003|AS Lддtsa Kalatццst|canned fish                   |67950
AB661752|25.04.2003|HAKO LTD ALPHA     |SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL          |9250
        |          |EUROCOMMERCE       |                              |
        |          |LIMITED            |                              |
        |          |                   |BALTIC SPRATS IN TOMATO SAUCE |5550
AB788634|21/04/03  |Makrill            |Crab sticks                   |18720
AB789279|21/04/03  |Krapesk            |Baltic spicy sprats           |19600
AB788635|22/04/03  |Makrill            |Crab sticks                   |21356
AB751152|23/04/03  |Paljassaare        |Crab sticks, burgers          |20184
        |          |Kalatццstus        |                              |
AB756007|23/04/03  |Subland            |Frozen cooked cold water      |20000
        |          |                   |shell-on shrimp               |
AB793606|23/04/03  |Esmari laevad      |Frozen Baltic hering          |20150
AB788636|23/04/03  |Makrill            |Crab sticks                   |17624
AB793608|23/04/03  |Esmari laevad      |Frozen Baltic hering          |19800
AB768235|23/04/03  |Palonet            |Salted sprats in spices       |20000
AB766766|24/04/03  |Maseco             |Smoked sprats in oil          |60075
AB784878|24/04/03  |Paljassaare        |Frozen crab sticks            |20123
        |          |Kalatццstus        |                              |
AB789281|24/04/03  |Irbeni             |Spicy Baltic sprats           |56000
AB774164|25/04/03  |Paljassaare        |Crab sticks                   |20075
        |          |Kalatццstus        |                              |
AB789077|25/04/03  |Gramus             |Spicy Baltic sprats           |60000
AB756011|25/04/03  |Subland            |Frozen cooked cold water      |20000
        |          |                   |shell-on shrimp               |
AB789282|25/04/03  |Krapesk            |Salted Baltic sprats          |56000
AB751398|25/04/03  |Obegard            |Spicy Baltic sprats           |20500
AB723798|22.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20800
AB723796|22.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20700
AB723800|23.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |60000
AB723799|23.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |21450
AB723797|23.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20500
AB723801|23.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|frozen Baltic sprats          |20000
AB723803|25.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20800
AB723795|25.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20800
AB723433|28.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |60000
AB718461|25.04.03  |AS Pomes Feeds     |fishmeal                      |40000
AB723892|28.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |19500
AB723893|28.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|frozen Baltic sprats          |58330
AB723890|28.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20500
AB718463|28.04.03  |AS Pomes Feeds     |fishmeal                      |60000
AB723896|29.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|seasoned Baltic sprats        |20700
AB723897|30.04.03  |AS Kajax Fishexport|frozen Baltic sprats          |60000
AB723628|21.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |herring in oil blanched,      |10333
        |          |                   |smoked herring in oil,        |
        |          |                   |Atlantic herring in tomato    |
        |          |                   |sauce, Atlantic sardines in   |
        |          |                   |oil/slices/, sardines in oil  |
        |          |                   |blanced, sardines in own juice|
        |          |                   |with oil added, sardines in   |
        |          |                   |tomato sauce blanched         |
AB723629|21.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |smoked sprats in oil,         |51329
        |          |                   |sardinella in own juice with  |
        |          |                   |oil added, sardinella in oil  |
        |          |                   |blanched, sardinella in tomato|
        |          |                   |sauce blanched, smoked Baltic |
        |          |                   |herring in oil, Baltic herring|
        |          |                   |in oil blanched, smoked Baltic|
        |          |                   |herring in oil, fried Baltic  |
        |          |                   |herring in tom.sauce, mackerel|
        |          |                   |in oil blanched, mackerel in  |
        |          |                   |own juice with oil added,     |
        |          |                   |mackerel in tomato sauce      |
        |          |                   |blanched, smoked sprats paste |
AB723632|22.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |Atlantic sardines in          |66950
        |          |                   |oil/slices/, smoked sprats in |
        |          |                   |oil, smoked sprats paste      |
AB723633|25.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |Atlantic sardines in          |65880
        |          |                   |oil/slices/, Atl.sardines in  |
        |          |                   |tomato sauce blan., smoked    |
        |          |                   |Baltic herring in oil, smoked |
        |          |                   |sprats in oil, Atl.mackerel in|
        |          |                   |oil blanched, Atl.mackerel in |
        |          |                   |own juice oil added,          |
        |          |                   |Atl.mackerel in tom.sauce     |
        |          |                   |blanced                       |
AB723635|28.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |Atlantic sardines in          |65610
        |          |                   |oil/slices/, smoked sprats in |
        |          |                   |oil, sprats in tomato sauce,  |
        |          |                   |fish soup,,Atlantic,, , fried |
        |          |                   |Baltic herring in tom.sauce,  |
        |          |                   |fishballs in tomato sauce,    |
        |          |                   |tourists fishfood             |
AB723634|28.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |smoked herring in oil, herring|61448
        |          |                   |in own juice with oil added,  |
        |          |                   |herring in tomato sauce       |
        |          |                   |blanched, Atlantic sardines in|
        |          |                   |oil/slices/, sardines in own  |
        |          |                   |juice with oil added, smoked  |
        |          |                   |sprats in oil, smoked sprats  |
        |          |                   |paste                         |
AB723636|30.04.03  |Maseko LTD         |Atlantic sardines in          |67650
        |          |                   |oil/slices/, Atlantic sardines|
        |          |                   |in oil blanced, smoked sprats |
        |          |                   |in oil, smoked sprats paste   |

 Перший заступник Голови Служби                         О.Б.Єгоров

 WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",