Л И С Т

                  25.10.2002  N 11/4-14-10009-ЕП

                                      Начальникам регіональних
                                      Начальникам митниць

       ( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної
                                             митної служби
         N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП ( v8521342-05 ) від 15.07.2005 )

     Відповідно до  листа  Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638
( v-638342-00  )  направляємо  перелік  сертифікатів   переміщення
EUR.1,    які   видавалися   естонськими   митними   органами   на
рибопродукцію за період з 16 по 22 вересня 2002 року.

AB 651567 18/09/2002 AS Laatsa    canned fish                                     38790

AB 646494 18/09/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            20000

AB 646495 20/09/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            20000

AB 651691 20/09/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            18250

AB 646497 20/09/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            20000

Ab 727461 19/09/2002 Viru         CANNED FISH 4375 places (sprats in oil 160gr    67945
                     kalatoostus  3475places, baltic herring in oil 160gr
                                  150places, baltic herring in oil 250gr
                                  100places, sprats paste 160gr 200 places,
                                  baltic sardines in oil 160gr 100places, sprats
                                  in oil 250gr 200places, sprats in oil 100gr.
                                  100places, baltic sardines in oil 100gr

AB 629536 20.09.02   HAKO LTD     SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL                            19890

                     OU           SMOKED SPRATS PASTE                             3200

AB 629535 18.09.02   HAKO LTD     SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL                            23100

                     OU           SMOKED SPRATS PASTE                             1296

AB 713332 16.09.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     29200

AB 713333 16.09.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     67200

AB 713334 18.09.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     30975

AB 713335 19.09.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     67900

AB 724973 16.09.02   Maseko       Smoked sprats in oil                            62900

AB 683302 17.09.02   Krapesk      Baltic spicy sprats                             20800

AB 686145 17.09.02   Makrill      Crab sticks                                     19364

AB 668358 17.09.02   Spratfil     Salted spicy sprats                             20000

AB 710548 18.09.02   Masterhansa  Spice salted sprats                             20000

AB 710547 18.09.02   Reperte      Spice salted sprats                             20000

AB 753555 18.09.02   Paljassaare  Fish fingers                                    7424

AB 753556 18.09.02   Paljassaare  Crab sticks                                     19708

AB 736090 18.09.02   Palonet      Salted sprats in spices                         20000

AB 721866 18.09.02   Exma         Sprats in oil.                                  12448,8

AB 712024 18.09.02   Gramus       Spicy salted baltic sprats                      20600

AB 710544 19.09.02   Masterhansa  Spice salted sprats                             20400

AB 736092 19.09.02   Maksiprof    Salted sprats in spices                         20000

AB 712025 19.09.02   Gramus       Spicy salted baltic                             20000

AB 753558 19.09.02   Paljassaare  Crab sticks                                     19758

AB 735768 20.09.02   Palonet      Salted sprats in spices                         20000

AB 736091 20.09.02   Maksiprof    Salted sprats in spices                         20000

AB 754409 20.09.02   Exma         Smoked sprats in oil                            5776

AB 753559 20.09.02   Paljassaare  Fish fingers                                    19886

AB 668360 20.09.02   Spratfil     Baltic spices sprats                            20000

AB 668359 20.09.02   Spratfil     Baltic spicy sprats                             20000

AB 753563 20.09.02   Paljassaare  Crab sticks                                     19758

AB 686147 20.09.02   Makrill      Crab stikcs                                     19425

AB 683303 20.09.02   Krapesk      Baltic spicy sprats                             20300

AB 622906 16.09.02   LTD Maseko   herring in oil blanched, smoked herring in oil, 10439
                                  herring in own juice with oil added, herring in
                                  tom.sauce with sour cabbage, sardines in own
                                  juice with oil added, sardines in oil/slices/,
                                  sardines in tom.sauce blanched, sardines in oil

AB 622907 16.09.02   LTD Maseko   sardinella in oil blanched, sardinella in       57553
                                  tomato sauce blanched, sardinella int/sauce
                                  with sour cabbage, sardinella in own juice with
                                  oil added, sardinella in tomato sauce with
                                  onion, Baltic herring in oil blanched, smoked
                                  Baltic herring in oil, fried Baltic herring in
                                  tom.sauce, peitus sparlings in tomato sauce,
                                  smoked sprats in oil, mackerel in oil blanched,
                                  mackerel in own juice with oil added, fishchops
                                  in tomato sauce, fishballs in tomato sauce,
                                  smoked sprats paste

AB 622909 18.09.02   LTD Maseko   herring in own juice with oil added, herring in 54840
                                  oil blanched, smoked herring in oil , sardines
                                  in own juice with oil added, sardines in
                                  oil/slices/, sardines in oil blanched, sardines
                                  in tomato sauce blanched, fried sardines in
                                  tomato sauce, sardinella in own juice with oil
                                  added, Baltic herring in oil blanched,
                                  sardinella in oil blanched, smoked Baltic
                                  herring in oil, smoked sprats in oil, herring
                                  in oil blanched

AB 622910 18.09.02   LTD Maseko   mackerel in own juice with oil added, mackerel  12184
                                  in tomato sauce blanched, mackerel in oil
                                  blanched, fishchops in tomato sauce, fishballs
                                  in tomato sauce, smoked sprats paste

AB 718930 19.09.02   LTD Maseko   smoked sprats in oil                            59600

AB 718933 20.09.02   LTD Maseko   smoked herring in oil, herring in own juice     54412
                                  with oil added, smoked herring in oil, sardines
                                  in oil/slices/, sardines in oil blanched,
                                  sardines in own juice with oil added, sardines
                                  in tomato sauce blanched, smoked sprats in oil,
                                  sardinella in own juice with oil added,
                                  sardinella in tomato sauce blanched, smoked
                                  Baltic herring in oil, fried Baltic herring in

AB 718934 20.09.02   LTD Maseko   mackerel in oil blanched, mackerel in own juice 8692
                                  with oil added, mackerel in tomato sauce
                                  blanched, smoked sprats paste

AB 718931 20.09.02   LTD Maseko   herring in oil blanched, herring in tom.sauce   59155
                                  with sour cabbage, herring in own juice with
                                  oil added, herring in tomato sauce with onion,
                                  sardines in own juice with oil added, sardines
                                  in oil /slices/, sardines in tomato sauce
                                  blanched, sardines in oil blanched, sardinella
                                  in oil blanched, sardinella in own juice with
                                  oil added, Baltic herring in oil blanched,
                                  sprats in tomato sauce, fried Baltic herring in
                                  tom.sauce, peitus sparlings in tomato sauce,
                                  smoked sprats in oil, mackerel in oil blanched,
                                  mackerel in own juice with oil added

AB 718932 20.09.02   LTD Maseko   fishchops in tomato sauce, fishballs in tomato  6936
                                  sauce, smoked sprats paste

 Заступник Голови Служби                                   П.Пашко

 WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",