Л И С Т

                  25.10.2002  N 11/4-14-10007-ЕП

                                      Начальникам регіональних
                                      Начальникам митниць

       ( Лист втратив чинність на підставі Листа Державної
                                             митної служби
         N 11/3-14/8521-ЕП ( v8521342-05 ) від 15.07.2005 )

     Відповідно до  листа  Держмитслужби від 28.02.2000 N 21/3-638
( v-638342-00   )  направляємо  перелік  сертифікатів  переміщення
EUR.1,   які   видавалися   естонськими   митними   органами    на
рибопродукцію за період з 30 вересня по 6 жовтня 2002 року.

AB 623506   30.09.02   AS Kajax     seasoned Baltic sprats                          20150

AB 719213   30.09.02   AS Kajax     seasoned Baltic sprats                          20000

AB 623507   30.09.02   AS Kajax     seasoned Baltic sprats                          19500

AB 716560   30.09.02   AS Raitar    salted Baltic sprats                            20000

AB 716561   30.09.02   AS Raitar    iced Baltic sprats                              18600

AB 718942   02.10.02   LTD Maseko   herring in oil blanched, herring in own juice   66392
                                    with oil added, Atlantic sardines in
                                    oil/slices/, sardines in tomato sauce
                                    blanched, sardines in oil blanched, sardinella
                                    in oil blanched, sardinella in tomato sauce
                                    blanched, sardinella in own juice with oil
                                    added, Baltic herring in oil blanched, sprats
                                    in tomato sauce, smoked sprats in oil,
                                    mackerel in oil blanched, mackerel in tomato
                                    sauce blanced, Fishchops in tomato sauce,
                                    smoked sprats paste

AB 718944   04.10.02   LTD Maseko   smoked herring in oil, herring in own juice     61812
                                    with oil added, herring in tomato sauce
                                    blanched, Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/,
                                    sardines in oil blanched, sardines in own
                                    juice with oil added, sardines in tomato sauce
                                    blanched, smoked sprats in oil, sardinella in
                                    own juice with oil added, sardinella in oil
                                    blanched, sardinella in tomato sauce blanched,
                                    Baltic herring in oil blanched, smoked Baltic
                                    herring in oil, Baltic herring in oil
                                    blanched, fried Baltic herring in tom.sauce,
                                    mackerel in oil blanched, mackerel in own
                                    juice with oil added, mackerel in tomato sauce

AB 718945   04.10.02   LTD Maseko   smoked sprats paste                             67346

AB 718943   04.10.02   LTD Maseko   herring in oil blanched, smoked herring in oil, 68000
                                    herring in own juice with oil added,
                                    Atlantic sardines in oil/slices/,  sardines in
                                    own juice with oil added, sardines in tomato
                                    sauce blanched, sardines in oil blanched,
                                    Baltic herring in oil blanched, smoked sprats
                                    in oil, smoked Baltic herring in oil, sprats
                                    in tomato sauce, mackerel in tomato sauce
                                    blanched, fishchops in tomato sauce, smoked
                                    sprats paste,   fishballs in tomato sauce

AB 719201   01.10.02   AS Kajax     seasoned Baltic sprats                          20500

AB 719220   02.10.02   AS Kajax     seasoned Baltic sprats                          20000

AB 716626   02.10.02   AS Raitar    salted Baltic sprats                            19800

AB 716628   03.10.02   AS Raitar    salted Baltic sprats                            20000

AB 716589   04.10.02   Ramarin      salted Baltic sprats                            19600
                       Center ou

AB 716582   04.10.02   AS Raitar    salted Baltic sprats                            19900

AB 753581   30.09.02   Paljassaare  Fish fingers, burgers                           19685

AB 683310   30.09.02   Krapesk      Baltic spicy sprats                             20000

AB 683307   30.09.02   Krapesk      Baltic spicy sprats                             20000

AB 683308   30.09.02   Krapesk      Baltic spicy sprats                             20000

AB 683309   30.09.02   Krapesk      Baltic spicy sprats                             20000

AB 736096   30.09.02   Maksiprof    Salted sprats in spices                         20000

AB 686155   30.09.02   Makrill      Crab sticks                                     19000

AB 712030   30.09.02   Gramus       Spices salted baltic sprats                     20000

AB 686156   01.10.02   Makrill      Crab sticks                                     19000

AB 724976   01.10.02   Maseko       Smoked sprats in oil                            59790

AB 724978   02.10.02   Maseko       Smoked sprats in oil                            65700

AB 724977   02.10.02   Maseko       Smoked sprats in oil                            65700

AB 712031   02.10.02   Gramus       Spicy salted baltic sprats                      20600

AB 683825   02.10.02   Alcandara    Preserv salt sprats                             19500

AB 753591   02.10.02   Paljassaare  Fish fingers ect                                20266

AB 753592   03.10.02   Paljassaare  Crab sticks                                     19700

AB 735755   03.10.02   Palonet      Salted sprats in spices                         20000

AB 754412   03.10.02   Exma         Smoked sprats paste                             20322,4

AB 710564   03.10.02   Masterhansa  Spice salted sprats                             20000

AB 734835   03.10.02   Reperte      Spice salted sprats                             20400

AB 734834   03.10.02   Reperte      Spice salted sprats                             20400

AB 734833   03.10.02   Reperte      Spice salted sprats                             20000

AB 753600   04.10.02   Paljassaare  Fish veg, fingers ect.                          20183

AB 753596   04.10.02   Paljassaare  Crab sticks                                     19737

AB 683311   04.10.02   Krapesk      Spicy baltic sprats                             128000

AB 753599   04.10.02   Paljassaare  Fish burgers                                    19911

AB 753598   04.10.02   Paljassaare  Fish burgers                                    20020

AB 753597   04.10.02   Paljassaare  Fish fingers                                    20289

AB 712032   04.10.02   Gramus       Spicy salted baltic sprats                      20600

AB 686159   04.10.02   Makrill      Crab sticks                                     19000

AB 686158   04.10.02   Makrill      Crab sticks                                     19107

AB 683829   04.10.02   Alcandra     Preserv salt sprats                             19750

AB 734773   04.10.02   Alcandra     Preserv salt sprats                             19000

AB 736106   04.10.02   Makeiprof    Sprats in spices                                20000

AB 713341   30.09.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     67535

AB 713342   01.10.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     67900

AB 713344   03.10.02   AS Dagotar   canned fish                                     23456

AB 629539   02.10.02   HAKO LTD     SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL                            23250

                       OU DIKTON

AB 661080   03.10.02   HAKO LTD     SMOKED SPRATS IN OIL                            19973.8

                       HELENBERG    SMOKED SPRATS PASTE                             4000

AB 651570   30/09/2002 AS Laatsa    canned fish                                     66710

AB 651705   01/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            20000

AB 651706   02/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            20600

AB 651712   04/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            41000

AB 651710   04/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            41000

AB 651711   04/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            41000

AB 651713   04/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            41000

AB 651714   04/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            20000

AB 651707   04/10/2002 OU VRHL      salted baltic sprats                            17300

AB 727843   10/04/2002 Viru         CANNED FISH 4420 places (sprats in oil 160gr    67962
                       kalatoostus  3670places, sprats paste 160gr 100
                                    places,baltic sardines in oil 160gr 50places
                                    sprats in oil 250gr 200places,sprats in oil
                                    100gr 200places, baltic sardines in oil 100gr

 Заступник Голови Служби                                   П.Пашко

 WEB MD Office "НПО Поверхность",